After traveling the world for over a half century, I finally found a place to keep all my stuff that doesn't charge me a monthly storage fee or take a plane ticket to visit!

Recent posts

Unexpected Mutations

3 minute read

An unexpected (and probably unintended) function parameter mutation inside the web3.js library had me questioning my sanity for a couple of hours.

Karmic Rule Zero

less than 1 minute read

Minimize external dependencies and try not to use shitty libraries. – Karmic Rules for Writing Pretty Good Code

Testing Redux in NextJS

7 minute read

If you’re testing ES6 code referencing Redux in a transpiled build environment, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by putting your tests into JSX files.

Why Intent Trumps Action

2 minute read

Intent matters more than even massive action, because in the long term it is more effective at actually getting the job done.