Why reinvent the wheel?

I’ve been running software projects large & small and putting code into production for nearly 40 years. If anything sets me apart from most of the other old guys in the field, it’s this: I’ve been keeping notes.

I won’t claim that the tools below will solve all of your problems. But most of them have been through the wringer more than once, and starting even one rung up any ladder is usually way better than starting from scratch!

So accept these tools with my compliments, and if you find them useful or have suggestions of your own, please use one of the contact links on this page & let me know!

Built for you with ❤️ on Bali!

Project Governance

Running a software development project is hard, but it’s way easier if you have a plan.

This toolkit is a collection of documents, templates, and guides that will help you get an Agile project off the ground and keep it on track.