my face

Not telling you which one of these monkeys is me, but the other guy says I’m the ugly one.

my place

Lived on Bali since 2019 & speak Bahasa Indonesia. Want to do business here? Let me help!

my spirit animal

I’m a former U.S. Marine & Navy Surface Warfare Officer and apparently it shows.

incoherent screeds

Composition in Action: Finishing the Swing

9 minute read

In software engineering, what look to be the easy parts often turn out to be the hard parts. If you’re lucky, the reverse is also true, but don’t count on it.

Unifying Web Presence with GitHub Pages

4 minute read

Eliminate content collisions with your primary GitHub Pages domain & unify all your GitHub project documentation pages under a single subdomain.

Code Complete: A Day in the Life of a Product

8 minute read

We’re all professionals here, right? And we all know there’s often quite a gap between what gets posted to social media and the reality on the ground.