my face

Not telling you which one of these monkeys is me, but the other guy says I’m the ugly one.

my place

Lived on Bali since 2019 & speak Bahasa Indonesia. Want to do business here? Let me help!

my spirit animal

I’m a former U.S. Marine & Navy Surface Warfare Officer and apparently it shows.

incoherent screeds

Unifying Web Presence with GitHub Pages

4 minute read

Eliminate content collisions with your primary GitHub Pages domain & unify all your GitHub project documentation pages under a single subdomain.

Code Complete: A Day in the Life of a Product

8 minute read

We’re all professionals here, right? And we all know there’s often quite a gap between what gets posted to social media and the reality on the ground.

Generic Abstractions

14 minute read

Modern software development works just like any other Hero’s Journey: you’ve got to hoof it some ways down the road before you can see very far into the dist...

Radash: The New Lodash

4 minute read

If you use Typescript and are still using Lodash: stop. It’s time for a change Give Radash a try!

Idea Discovery on GitHub

4 minute read

Coming up with ideas is easy. Deciding which ones to execute on is HARD. Here’s a kitchen-sink approach using engagement as a metric of market potential.