Topic Archive: javascript

The Big Miss: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

8 minute read

Today was one of those days when I question my life choices. Watch me dig my way out of a hole with the same shovel I used to dig my way in.

Lodash + Next.js 13 = smh

1 minute read

Some old carelessness in Lodash plus a stern new outlook in Next.js 13 creates trouble on Edge networks.

Next.js Template

21 minute read

A sweet Next.js project template. Integrates Redux Toolkit with with test support for Mocha + Chai + React Testing Library and release publishing via release...

AWS API Template

25 minute read

Config-driven AWS API ES6 template integrating federated Cognito User Pool authentication and a robust approach to release management.

React Component NPM Package Template

7 minute read

An ES6 React component NPM package project template featuring front & back end test support, automated API docs, release management & more!

NPM Package Template

16 minute read

An ES6 NPM package project template featuring a CLI, test support, automated API docs, release management & more!

Vercel Preview Branch Weirdness

3 minute read

An accidental hosting environment dependency revealed an irritating bug in Vercel’s preview deployment logic.

Unexpected Mutations

3 minute read

An unexpected (and probably unintended) function parameter mutation inside the web3.js library had me questioning my sanity for a couple of hours.

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