Showing My Code: An Open Response to Elon
Elon Musk recently put out a call for coders: “Just show us your code!” Here’s mine.
Elon Musk recently put out a call for coders: “Just show us your code!” Here’s mine.
Today was one of those days when I question my life choices. Watch me dig my way out of a hole with the same shovel I used to dig my way in.
In software engineering, what look to be the easy parts often turn out to be the hard parts. If you’re lucky, the reverse is also true, but don’t count on it.
Sometimes, when you’re tangled up in a thorny problem, solving it is exactly the wrong answer.
Logging is an implementation decision that should be deferred as late as possible. Loggable lets you defer it until runtime!
We’re all professionals here, right? And we all know there’s often quite a gap between what gets posted to social media and the reality on the ground.
Watch a complex Javascript configuration object collapse into declarative goodness thanks to type safety, abstraction, and generic design.
Modern software development works just like any other Hero’s Journey: you’ve got to hoof it some ways down the road before you can see very far into the dist...
Mock DynamoDB-style query & scan behavior with local JSON data. Or learn to play the guitar, if you think pretty girls REALLY like that kind of thing.
An AutoHotKey script that launches VS Code with the open folder or selected files in File Explorer when you type Alt-Win-.
A sweet Next.js project template. Integrates Redux Toolkit with with test support for Mocha + Chai + React Testing Library and release publishing via release...
Config-driven AWS API ES6 template integrating federated Cognito User Pool authentication and a robust approach to release management.
An ES6 React component NPM package project template featuring front & back end test support, automated API docs, release management & more!
An ES6 NPM package project template featuring a CLI, test support, automated API docs, release management & more!
If you’re testing ES6 code referencing Redux in a transpiled build environment, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by putting your tests into JSX files.