my face
Not telling you which one of these monkeys is me, but the other guy says I’m the ugly one.
my place
Lived on Bali since 2019 & speak Bahasa Indonesia. Want to do business here? Let me help!
my spirit animal
I’m a former U.S. Marine & Navy Surface Warfare Officer and apparently it shows.
incoherent screeds
Some Words on LinkedIn
Squaring the impossible circle: Where should your content actually live?
Mock DynamoDB-style query & scan behavior with local JSON data. Or learn to play the guitar, if you think pretty girls REALLY like that kind of thing.
AI-Generated Social Media Previews
I’ve generally been underwhelmed by ChatGPT and the like. Fun toy: not much practical use, so far. But this is an exception!
TSDoc + TypeDoc
Mastering the obvious, one lexical standard at a time.
Hello World! (Redux)
Rediscovering blogging. Again.
Karmic Rule Five
generic logic + custom config ≫ custom logic – Karmic Rules for Writing Pretty Good Code
Lodash + Next.js 13 = smh
Some old carelessness in Lodash plus a stern new outlook in Next.js 13 creates trouble on Edge networks.
When IntelliSense Fails: How to Avoid TypeScript While Avoiding TypeScript
Sure you could transpile perfectly good ES6 code into the same thing + TS types. But sweet mother of everything, WHY??