my face

Not telling you which one of these monkeys is me, but the other guy says I’m the ugly one.

my place

Lived on Bali since 2019 & speak Bahasa Indonesia. Want to do business here? Let me help!

my spirit animal

I’m a former U.S. Marine & Navy Surface Warfare Officer and apparently it shows.

incoherent screeds

Karmic Rule Five

less than 1 minute read

generic logic + custom config ≫ custom logic – Karmic Rules for Writing Pretty Good Code

Lodash + Next.js 13 = smh

1 minute read

Some old carelessness in Lodash plus a stern new outlook in Next.js 13 creates trouble on Edge networks.

Karmic Rule Four

less than 1 minute read

A work in progress is the best kind. – Karmic Rules for Writing Pretty Good Code

dot-code for Windows

1 minute read

An AutoHotKey script that launches VS Code with the open folder or selected files in File Explorer when you type Alt-Win-.

Next.js Template

21 minute read

A sweet Next.js project template. Integrates Redux Toolkit with with test support for Mocha + Chai + React Testing Library and release publishing via release...

AWS API Template

25 minute read

Config-driven AWS API ES6 template integrating federated Cognito User Pool authentication and a robust approach to release management.